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Wednesday 24 November 2021
Storytelling: “Dreams to come true”, by Taller de Somnis
Wednesday 24 November 2021
Biblioteca Dosrius de Torelló (Torelló) - Biblioteca Dosrius de Torelló (Torelló)
by Barcelona Provincial Council (Organiser) together with the Municipal Libraries Network.
Storytelling session suitable for all audiences consisting on the different realties that Anskari experienced during more than 14 years traveling around the world. Ansakari is a clown that has been recollecting drawings from poor children in situations of social and health risk in order to create solidarity ties and share experiences between young people all over the world. Another objective is to work on the perception of values that are basic and essential for our daily life: liberty, solidarity, and happiness.
By Barcelona Provincial Council (Organiser) together with the Municipal Libraries Network.
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