Book presentation: “Courageous women” and talk with the author
Tuesday 23 November 2021
Sant Adrià de Besòs - Refugi Antiaeri de la placeta Macià. Placeta Macià, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs
Txell Feixas, author. Sandra Pardo, president of Fundació Pare Manel. Editorial ARA Llibres. Sant Adrià de Besòs City Council
The book tells the stories of women that make known the revolution that is underway in the Middle East region, a women’s revolution. Theirs, is a relentless and endless struggle against the secular patriarchy that dominates politics, culture and society. Sometimes the struggle is for pure survival; others, a conscious and organized struggle —political— to win and defend such basic rights as the right to be born, to abortion, to an education, to a decent job, to defend yourself from those who want to destroy you, to preserve what have not yet been taken away from you… In short, the right to exist.
By Sant Adrià de Besòs City Council, with Míriam Chacón, Regidora de Solidaritat i Cooperació.
Together with Txell Feixas, author. Sandra Pardo, president of Fundació Pare Manel. Editorial ARA Llibres.
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